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Heart health – your life depends on it

I have often thought that every human being should have an Operator Manual.

You know how when you get a new appliance, there’s a little booklet to tell you how to operate your new gizmo?

Well, the human body is an incredible piece of machinery. The heart and the brain…the two critical parts of your body.

And yet, we as humans don’t seem to care. We smoke cigarettes because it looks cool. We eat animal fat because it tastes good. We add salt and sugar into everything we eat because…we can.

Smoking…recently my husband and I traveled to Czech Republic and Hungary. The most annoying part was having to breathe in cigarette smoke. Young people, old people…smoking everywhere. After all these years, with all the information on the health risks about smoking…the habits haven’t changed.

I used to smoke. My mother was a smoker. She died at age 55, cancer. There were other complications, adult onset diabetes, rare blood type. I picked up smoking when I had a bit part in a play. Then, mom died, and I smoked to honor her (pretty stupid). I maybe had 2 cigarettes a day. Every other day, for a couple of years.

I didn’t think it would kill me.

It doesn’t but it sure messes up your life when you damage your arteries and increase your odds of a stroke.

Cancer…not fun. Strokes … not fun.

You only have one body…stop damaging it, start taking care of it.

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