I was fortunate to have a second chance at learning to live a healthier life. In August 2010, I experienced a tiny stroke, recognized the symptoms and got to the hospital within an hour. After 3 days, I was discharged and told, that just by walking 30 minutes a day, I could improve my heart health. I started, and after a while, challenged myself to run races, and have completed the Bay to Breakers twice. I now run an average of 20 miles a week, am learning to swim, and do training hikes to prepare for active travel adventures. After the stroke, I also learned to eat better, and over time, lost the excess weight I had put on.
Why HakkaHiker? Hakka people are the original nomads in China. They wandered all over, settled in various places, but moved around a lot and if you listen to a Hakka person talk, you will hear various dialects blended into a beautiful medley. I’m a Hakka woman, and we are known for our strength. We were the only Chinese women to not have our feet bound.